I am not an ex-wife complaining about her ex-husband. I am a woman, a mother, working 24 hours a week at $17 / hr to pay for her child's dental health and repair. I am a woman working 5 days a week as a live-in nanny, trading near 24 hour child care for room and board for my family. The last time my child stayed with his dad for two weeks, he didn't brush his teeth one time. That is not a criticism of the dad's care and attention of his son. That is the truth of what happened.
Another question surrounding my child spending time at his dad's farm involves the time when the visit is over. The time when my child leaves papa and comes with me, his mother.
Last time we visited papa he ended up punching me in the face as I knelt on the passenger seat of my vehicle, reaching down to the ground to retrieve my bag that papa had thrown out of the car.
This is not a criticism of papa, it's just what happened.
The time before that, at the end of a two week visit with papa, when it was time for my child to come with his mother, there was a note from papa taped to the door of his empty house, telling me to go on my way without the child.
This is not a criticism, that is just what happened.
I would like my child to spend time with his dad. I'm not sure how that can happen without an ugly scene taking place at the end of any visit. I believe in time, some trust can be rebuilt, but for now, based on the uncomfortable partings that have occurred, I don't know how to have my child spend time at his dad's house.
The idea of having papa come here to visit the child for a day seems like a wonderful way for them to see each other. That's why I wrote to Bob and Linda, requesting that they bring their friend miguel up here.
I am open to ideas based on the actual circumstances of what has occurred so far.