Sunday, January 20, 2013

round pole notch

vertical post
horizontal roof support beam
angle - rafter, saddle notch onto horizontal beam
pole at bottom of photo - vertical post - no notch, flat surface.
horizontal pole - roof support beam - shallow notches below & side.
pole at top of photo - 45 d angle rafter / truss - shallow notch

detail photos of  round pole / timber frame joint in kid's cottage
notches - saw perpendicular into beam, down into log
             - pound chisel into side of log at level of bottom of saw cut depth
             - 1/2 moon (or so) shape of wood will pop out

natural building materials
:: locally available - what does each property offer?    cow manure, straw, sedge, cattails, round poles (straight trees of reasonable diameter and height for harvest)
local materials specifically adapted to local climate (inherent weather resistance, durability)
:: sustainable - minimally processed, low energy use for harvest or production, minimal consequence
of acquisition, little to no transport, rapid renewal, small scale harvest minimal impact on habitat,
ability to recycle, reuse, repurpose;  repairs / remodel generate minimal waste
:: building design based on sun observation
ex. face living roof towards south

Thursday, January 17, 2013

JOY stove keep me warm!

short barrel (lifts off) with hole in top covers feet tube when not in use
 or after fire burning well.   can increase down draft
Rocket Stove
let's call it a J stove.  J for JOY.
Short vertical stove pipe (wood feed tube) leads to horizontal burn tunnel,
leads to vertical stove pipe / heat riser (taller than feed tube).
tall vertical covered by metal barrel, leaving reasonable space at top, hot air tumbles
over edge of pipe, down inside barrel and travels through horizontal stove pipe,
encased in cob / mud / earth plaster bench
 - clean outs at each turn of pipe -

We lit the JOY stove at the Strawbale Studio this week.  It is in a building called the
'Red Shed' where we spent time constructing the SOLAR DEHYDRATOR.   We
 learned the specific techniques used for successfully lighting a rocket stove.  Burning a little paper
 in the 'primer space' encourages hot air to rise up chimney (exits thru ceiling in this design).
Burn a little paper in horizontal burn tunnel, then vertical placement of tall, matchstick size
material inside feed tube at mouth of burn tunnel.  Continuing to place vertically,
 increasingly larger pieces of wood in feed tube.    Fire does not burn up (it burns down),  due to
significant down draft created by stove's J shape and careful placement of wood (smoke does
not come out into room).
Barrel covering heat riser became very warm within minutes.  Exit stove pipe became
warm, and remained at low temperature allowing one to place hand directly on metal and
enjoy warming effect for extended periods.  Heat absorbed into earthen bench became evident to the touch following about one hour, providing a cozy place to sit (or sleep).
potential benefits of JOY stove -
 bench adds much thermal mass, increasing efficiency
top of barrel provides cooking / water heating surface
stove burns less wood than wood fire cook stove
cooler exit temperature allows for possible side wall exit of 'chimney'
harness this heat for green house, animal shelter (warm chickens), livestock water
it is beautiful!

interning at the Straw Bale Studio January 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Collected Reeds today
wear glasses, when you bend over to cut the reeds low, close to the ground
a reed end coming up out of the ground will poke you in the face
sun getting lower and lower in the sky
windy- windy -reeds bending over - blue sky
shake the really really tall reeds and watch the fluffy seeds fly away
fly away into the blue blue sky
tie the bundles, two ties
trim the tops fluff falls down
cattails growing - ground wet- snow melting
sound of traffic- busy road

 let's meetup at the permaculture hip fest in pam's basement
kuel people worthwhile film- interesting humble conversation
learning -exchanging -celebrating- supporting- pet the dog
pet the dog pet the dog

lash and frap lash and frap
clove hitch keeps it tight -knots are so useful
finger tough from twine rubbing
push the pull saw push it its a pull saw push it
easy and fast efficient

poop in the bucket poop in there poop
when its cold just poop in the bucket
wood chips- lid -simple
sturdy pretty wooden bench

kitty kitty kitty

my name is kari and i'm interning, i'm internal at the strawbale studio
this fine month of january

peace to yo mamma