Thursday, April 30, 2020

Is that True?

     The Byron Katie Inquiry book is really good and it has helped me a lot.  I like to add my own spin to things and make them as personal and true for myself as I can.  I think of it as translating.  I can feel when something is true for me.  When I have found a truth that cannot be shaken.  
     I like truth.  I believe in truth.  I believe that some things in this world of ours really are true.  I don’t think everyone needs to believe the things that I believe are true.  They can live and believe in any way that they desire.  When I believe something’s true, its my truth, Unshakable.  It serves me well, makes my life better because it is true.  I know there are things in life that we can count on.   
     In the Inquiry book, she asks the question, “is that true?”.  Its meant to disarm our unconscious thinking and it works really well.   But I love truth and its tiring to always be breaking down my reality.  So I am practicing finding things that allow me to answer ‘YES’.
 Does Adamah Love me?  YES.  I know that that is true.  As much as he is able to Love another human, Adamah loves me.  
I believe in Love.  
What is true?  Love is all there is.  Love conquers all because Love is all there is and there’s not actually any conquering going on because Love always wins, its just a matter of time and perspective.  Love doesn’t really win because its not a competition.  Love is the only thing that exists.  Humans can cover up Love, they can turn away, close their eyes and their hearts, but that doesn’t change Love.  Love continues to flow just as it always has.  Is that true?  YES.  
 The sun comes up in the East.  Is that true?  YES.  The earth turns and when its dark out, the first place we see the sun is in the direction we have all agreed to call East.  
Cows are generous beings.  Is that true?  YES.  Generous: Liberal in giving or sharing.  Marked by abundance; ample.  
I am a good mother.  Is that true?  YES.  Its true because I decided it was true.  And I believe it every day.  I am doing the best I can.  My intention is to stay connected to my own source of Love.  That is the greatest gift I can offer the child, my own contentment and ability to find my inner peace and let that still small voice guide my life.  
Humans are good.  Is that true?  YES.  I know that each human begins exactly as it should.  Each human is connected to the Universal Infinite Source of Love and intends to follow that Source while on its earthly journey.  Many times, older humans teach the new human to pay attention to the other humans and disregard the inner Source of Love.  So people lose their way.  But they are good.  Each human, at any moment, can connect to their own inner Source of Love and receive inspiration.  The inspiration that comes from this source is always good and it lives inside each of us.  It gets covered up many times by fear.  The fear can look like anger or depression or anything but its always just fear.  
Fear is not the opposite of Love.  Love has no opposite.  Fear is what happens when someone turns away from Love, disconnects from the Infinite Source.
So Yes, it is true that humans are good.  

Infinity.  Is that true?  YES.  I believe in infinity.   

This rambling was inspired by my friendship with Adamah.  I’ve been going on and on about this Inquiry book and the other day I imagined him actually reading it and for the first time the whole thing seemed a bit simple to me.  And it is.  It needs to be because it address one common human struggle, the unconscious mind.  It feels good to spend some time thinking about things that are true.  I love believing in truth.  Clarity feels good.  I like to feel good.  I like to relax and just know that some things really are true.  

Friday, April 24, 2020

Full hearts

I believe we are living through a time of Human Spiritual Awakening. A shift in planetary consciousness is taking place.  The farm partner watches the internet ALL day and then reports to me about what the latest happenings are.  I like to listen to his view of what is happening.  He has a wide view, he’s able to gather information from many different sources and see how all the pieces fit together.  He explains how politics and the farm industry, the health care industry, the world financial institutions, how they all work together and what all the daily changes mean.  Then, I add in a bit of Love, a touch of Beingness, the Spiritual big picture and we have a complete view of what’s occurring in our human culture right now.  Its fun.  This all takes place while the three of us are walking away from the house, down the lane, and out to the pastures to find cows.  Its about 9 am, the birds are singing, the air is fresh and we are eagerly anticipating the gallon - plus of milk that Ms. Clarity gives us each morning.  
The other morning we got to a place in the conversation where farm partner described what we are headed for as Anarchy.  He described a culture where each person is in control the themselves, no one takes orders from anyone.  I countered with the idea that yes that sounds good, especially with the idea that we are transforming spiritually and soon, each human will be consciously connected to the Universal Infinite Source of Love and so will be following their own personal inspiration that flows from this.  He offered the term Oligarchy then, saying that a King would rule everything and each person would be under that King.  I tried to doge around the masculine language and get a gender neutral term in there or at least the word Queen.  Mateo, the four year old summed up what we were saying.  
Humans are evolving spiritually and we are leaning how to gain energy from the Universal Infinite Source of Love.  This is God.  God is pure Love.  So we will all be connected to God and receiving our personal inspiration from the King.  We live on mother earth, the Queen.   Pure Love flows from the King to the Queen and as we walk on the earth, it flows up from the earth and into our hearts.  That is what our new earth looks like.  Humans touching their mother with their physical bodies and receiving energy that moves their life forward.  
People don’t need to be naked, rolling around in the grass.  There will be a shift in priorities, an opening of hearts, a falling away of empty searchings.  Instead of going to the gym to work out, someone will make it a priority to get to an open space on the earth and spend some time.  This will provide energy as the gym did, but it will be a clean, pure energy that is infinitely more satisfying.  Instead of going to the mall, someone will go to their favorite tree and spend some time.  This will provide the same eager anticipation and then the resulting boost will be infinitely more satisfying.  We have all been searching, in our own ways, for the Love that awaits us.  We each try to fill our hearts with something, or mask our pain with some pursuit, numbing ourselves from the heart emptiness and raging thoughts that fill our minds.  Some of us are battered, tossed about and deep down we Know that Life is meant to be something more.  
Well get ready because here it comes!  YAY!  This planetary shift in consciousness is happening and many of us will be swept along in a critical mass of people that open their hearts and allow Universal Infinite Source of Love to flow into us.  Many of us have already been practicing, consciously connecting to this stream of Love that flows endlessly and abundantly.  “ … our new awareness of the spiritual is expanding … personally, through a kind of positive psychological contagion among people.  All that any of us have to do is suspend our doubts and distractions just long enough … ”  - Celestine Prophecy.  

 “ … the teachers and those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament … “ Daniel 12:3 (Firmament - Expanse or vault over the earth; sky)