I feel like the baby can handle it when I yell and feel angry and mean and scared. I have Faith in this baby and I feel like they are strong and wise and fearless. This baby just wants me to by joyful because that’s what all people can experience. The baby intends to experience Joy and it wants the same for me as for everyone.
This is my home and this is what is important to me. This is what fills my heart with that deep satisfaction. That is the state little Filbert wanted me to be in when I am parenting him. He wanted to be raised by a mother who is content in her Life. Smart kid. I really like him.
I put the baby in the sun for the first time yesterday, sitting in a chair in the yard, with my bare feet on the ground and sweatshirt pulled up, belly got warm. Felt so good. I heard the baby’s heart beat today. I love the baby. No one can disturb my Love for the baby. I can take good care of the baby. They chose me to hang out with. I trust the baby, we are both wise and compassionate beings.
There were such wonderful baby dreams last night. They all felt peaceful and joyful, just fun and I was surrounded and supported by all the right beings. More and more this baby just feels like my baby. I am not going to pretend or force a partner. Just imagine the partner I want and they will come into, we will join our journeys. I feel eager and hopeful and confident and connected to this child of God. This generous, wise being that chose me. It didn’t necessarily choose Miguel, I am not clear on that. And I don’t need to be. I am clear that the being chose ME.
I really Love to feel good. I Love my baby. I think they are still sleeping and it will be fun to notice movement. I Love to rub my stomach and hold my baby by supporting the weight of my stomach with both hands. I Love feeling the baby kick. I Love thinking about the baby coming out of my body and up onto my chest and feeding at my breast. I Love making the diapers for Baby. I Love knowing that Baby is an independent Powerful, creative Being who comes to me of its own free will and we will create and expand together. I appreciate all of this.
Baby was moving a lot yesterday. I Love to just sit and feel Baby move. I’m going to be good at co-creating with baby. I Love thinking about sitting by the swamp with baby on a blanket and just watching and listening to the Earth. Feels Like mama Earth will raise the child and I get to participate. Baby feels good. I trust. I have faith. I know I am not alone.
Thinking about the baby is weird. Mostly there is a deep confidence that I will know what to do. That feels strange because right now I can’t imagine what it will be like to care for a baby, a little human. Yet there remains the fact that I will know what to do. So it’s all Faith and Surrender. Like with so many things on the farm, especially with the animals, I just know what to do. I have just known what they need and what to do. The knowledge of how to care for the baby is out there. It’s not a secret. So I don’t have to discover it or learn it. I just need to let it flow thru me. And that, I can practice each moment of each day. Each moment that I allow well being to flow is practice for the baby.
Dear baby,
we did a lot today. Milked the cows, fed the pigs. Cleaned out the dresser where your clothes are going to be kept. Emptied the freezer in the basement and got rid of all the ice. Filled it back up again with 4 coolers full of meat from the big freezer down at your grandfather’s house. Made bone broth, fed the pigs and chickens, got the eggs. We had a company come and take away 2 upright freezers that we didn’t want anymore. It was a big day. Now it’s getting dark and your papa is speaking to Aunt Barbie on the phone. My lower back feels a lot better after some stretching.
Last week (1st wk July) you and I rode around on the orange tractor raking hay. Papa was concerned how you would do on the tractor and it seemed fine. I was glad to take some of the tractor time off of papa. There was a lot of hay down and we were a big help to him. Your papa is such an amazing man. I am so excited to see the two of you together. He loves you and me so much. Thank you baby, for coming to be with us here on the farm. We celebrate how wise and generous you are.
I got up a little earlier than usual, feels good. Already felt baby move a bunch. One more day of everything being ok.
I Love being pregnant. I stand in tremendous appreciation of the experience. Acknowledging the gift it is, the honor. I am a Being that carries another Being inside my body. I Love how my body is changing. I love the way my body looks. It’s a unique situation in that I don’t want to always look and feel this way. Loving my pregnant body comes with the inherent understanding of the temporary nature of the condition. To live so many years and just stand by and watch other pregnant women, never really believing it to be for me, and now to experience it for myself. I am filled with joy and appreciation. Also accepting that this may be the only opportunity (in this body) I do savor each moment. Mostly what I feel is strong. When people ask how I’m feeling, that is what always seems to describe my experience. I feel Strong. Part of it is physical. Part of it is a deep knowing. My body is changing and growing a 2nd body Being inside of it, all without my conscious, intellectual understanding of how. So I feel Strong. Strong in my Faith. Strong in the knowledge that I am involved in something Bigger than me. I am a vessel for Universal Wisdom. My Belly is tangible proof that God exists and is creative and perfect and Loving.
I imagine as time passes it may be difficult to remember the details of why and what I Love about being pregnant. So I write this for myself. The awe, the Faith. I guess I can’t say. It’s too big. The only thing left to do is cherish each moment. I’m so gad my experience is pure and far away from ‘society’ ideas and interpretations. Being pregnant on the farm is such a human experience.
Am I paying enough attention to the baby? This baby chose me as its human mother. I think baby Loves me just the way I am. Someone mentioned talking to the baby. Maybe I think about it more in terms of energy. The baby is with me all the time, experiencing my energy. If my energy is in a good, balanced place, do I need to talk to the baby? I like to sing. I just intend to vibrate in appreciation for the baby and if verbal words come, fine. My FAITH is what guides me. I rest firmly and completely in FAITH that this baby is getting exactly what he needs. I surrender. I continue to find my voice and God created me and I am beautiful, unique, and I am perfect to mother-guide this child. …as we continue to vibrate in Appreciation, anything child needs will flow into our experience.
I’m drinking cranberry juice because sometimes I feel a vibration type feeling and I don’t know for sure what it is. I think it’s just the baby moving but probably doesn’t hurt to drink cranberry juice anyway. Baby is moving a lot. I am excited to meet the baby and let it out of the tiny space that is my uterus. Seems confined in there, but I need to trust that it’s meant to be in a small space first and then come out into the big world. Interesting ideas, never considered before feeling this being push against my gut and my bladder and my belly. Such strange physical sensations. Faith in the process. I love it. I Love every second of it. I would accept reassurance from a wise woman who could tell me each sensation is normal and that I’m not doing anything wrong, that I’m being a good vessel for this little being. So I just have Faith and Listen for guidance from all the women who have gone before me. They are my teachers and I stand in awe and appreciation.
September 4, 2015 There were 3 or 4 or more real good contractions last night. Strong, intense. I tried moaning thru them and that felt nice. They almost feel like strong period cramps, and it makes me feel like I might have to poop, and slightly nauseated all at once. It’s unlike anything I’ve felt before. I’m really excited. I am opening. Today is a wonderful day to have a baby. Appreciation.
(Full on Labor started at 9:30 that evening and baby was in my arms 12 hours later.)
Now he’s 9 1/2.
He remains generous and wise.
I continue to stand in awe and appreciation.
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