I do not wear a mask. I walked in to Kroger recently and the nice lady “guarding” the door called out, “you need a mask to shop in the store”. I didn’t turn my head, I continued walking and called back, “I can’t wear one”. I heard her reply, relieved, “ok, have a nice day”. No problem.
I walked in to the Dollar General in my little town and a nice young woman called out to me that they have masks if I need one. I said no thank you and walked back to the toilet paper isle, which was nicely stocked for my shopping pleasure. She found me later and politely offered, “the masks are free, you don’t have to buy one” to which I replied, “oh thank you, I can’t wear one”. She nodded her masked face and gratefully retreated, kindly allowing me to continue shopping.
I have gone in to gas stations, the local diner, an independent bakery, a party store along US 12, happily, confidently, without a mask. Each of these establishments has had a large sign posted, right at eye level, with some version of the message, “According to the Governor’s order, you are REQUIRED to wear a mask”. I walk right past the sign and into the business and conduct my errand as usual. Most people don’t say anything to me and the few people who have said something have all seemed overwhelmingly relieved when I simply answer in a light, confident tone, “I can’t wear one”. Done. Case closed. They did their job and received a reasonable answer, so its over.
I don’t wear a mask.
I am writing this because of something a friend said the other day. She is someone I respect and consider part of my tribe. We were all talking about the “shut-down” and how it has affected us in our daily lives. She mentioned that she puts a mask on “if she has to”, but otherwise does not participate in the "pandemic".
I don’t wear a mask. I know that I don’t have to wear a mask. She doesn’t have to wear a mask either, no one does.
If people want to wear a mask then I know that they should wear one. Each person should do what they are comfortable with. It really irked me when this strong, independent woman said something about “having” to wear a mask. I know there is a sign right there on the door that says to wear a mask. I see the sign. And I walk in to the store with out a mask and it is fine. Because I am fine. For a minute I thought about wearing one because I did not want to put the store clerks out. Then I saw a diner that kindly posted if someone enters without a mask, they would assume we have a medical condition and not ask any questions. That was my answer. I don’t want to put the clerks out, but much more than that, I don’t want to put myself out. I do want to live free and encourage others to do the same. I can love the store employees by being honest and confident, loving myself.
I am writing this for a few reasons. I want to sort of brag about my success in living free. It feels really good to make a decision and live by it. Demonstrate my values with behavior. Right from the very beginning I did not agree with wearing masks, I wrote about it back in March. Again, if someone else wants to wear a mask, that is none of my business, you go right ahead and live free too. But I feel triumphant when I go to the store to purchase a salt block for the cows and my simple errand turns into a public declaration of my personal values and beliefs. I value my freedom. I value my health. I value my sense of personal authority over my own body. I value living honest. I disagree with the order to wear a mask so I don’t wear one. I live what I believe and that feels so good.
I also want to encourage other people that may be feeling the same way and need someone in their corner. When I walk around the store with my face free I make eye contact with people and let them know with my heart that they can do it too, if they want to. Take it off, be yourself, stay true to what you believe, don’t compromise yourself, live free, you can do it, I’m doing it. Wear one if you want, but don’t wear one and then complain about it. That is dishonest and your own decision, it has nothing to do with what you’re "required" to do.
I am writing this to share my experiences with people who may be wondering, what would happen if I just walked in here without a mask on? Well, sweet love, I have done it many times, in many different establishments and I’m writing to let you know that it is ok. The store clerks are kind and gentle and readily receive the simple statement that you can’t wear one. You don’t have to make up an elaborate lie about some mysterious medical condition. Just don’t wear a mask and feel confident about your decision and the store people will respond easily to your self assuredness. You can bet they do not desire to have that thing on their face and they feel a little bit of glee to see someone walking around with a clear, free face. Show your best self to the world, be the strong human that you are. Walk past the sign at eye level declaring what you MUST do. Do what you can do which is honor yourself, honor your integrity, do what you want to do, in Joy.
Amen. I have the perfect mask, the shield of my Lord and Savior.
ReplyDeleteWow! You live in a very. Ice accepting passive area! Here you would be asked to leave the store and possibly physically removed from the store. Here they are ticketing husbands and wives who live together and so far are still allowed to sleep together, for sitting in their parked cars to enjoy a moment of hawaiian beauty for not being 6 ft apart! Not joking it’s happening all over here. I can’t get out of hawaii fast enough. Good for you Kari.
ReplyDeleteOops meant to say “ nice” area
ReplyDeleteLast week 4 of us women went illegally in my friend’s car to play tennis, my friend the driver is like me and doesn’t wear a mask, one other lady who is an OBGYN surgeon feels a responsibility to her patients so when in close quarters like a car, wears a mask, the third lady wears one, well not sure if she wears it to impress others that she’s being an obedient girl, but anyway she was wearing her mask got in the backseat with me not wearing one and said, oh let’s all wear masks ok? The driver ignored her and I ignored her. So then we get to the tennis courts and she takes off her mask , plays tennis being very physical close to us all, and that’s ok because it’s what she “ wants” to do, because she knows she can’t breathe good enough with it on to play tennis......so now the virus isn’t as deadly........when it suits her to NOT wear it....🤯🤯🤯🙂
ReplyDeleteokay, I'll try your approach and let you know how it goes. I usually wear mine in then remove it. I don't ever get told to put it on. I will try walking in with out one. Thank you Kari.