Monday, March 8, 2021

Dear Old Friend

     I want to tell you about my friend Lisa.  

Lisa and I have been friends for some years.  We have gotten to know each other slowly.  I knew right away that I Loved her and that we would be friends for ever, so its been really nice to just relax and let our relationship unfold slowly and naturally.  I trust that with Lisa, all is well, and nothing could ever happen that would pull us apart from the friendship.  It feels good to Love unconditionally.  

    Lisa is wonderful.  She is funny and creative.  I feel inspired by her in so many ways.  She is very calm and comfortable in her own skin.  It is soothing for me to spend time with Lisa because she's so sure and relaxed, gently loving everything.  

    Lisa has a dear old friend named Poly.  Lisa got to know Poly when she was just a small child.  They grew up together, they've sort of always been a part of each other's lives.  Things have changed over time and the two have drifted apart, but Lisa will always Love her dear old friend.  

    Being friends with Lisa means having Poly around sometimes.  She is never invited, she just shows up.  It can get pretty uncomfortable when Poly's there, she's just not any fun.  The part that never ceases to amaze me is how Lisa loves her.  Poly is welcomed in and acknowledged for who she is.  Lisa never corrects Poly and doesn't even engage with the yuck that she offers.  Lisa just holds her own calm, self assurance and loves Poly open heartedly, free of judgement and fear.  After a short time, Poly moves on, she goes away and Lisa and I return to whatever fun we were having together.  I love Lisa, she's a good friend.  And I love how Lisa loves her dear old friend.  

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