Friday, June 17, 2022
Thursday, June 16, 2022
"Can you suggest anything we can do to make the house sharing less controversial?"
Yes I can.Meditating every morning has improved my experience in the house over the last 9 months. I sit for 20 minutes and quiet my thoughts, listening to the ticking of a clock. This process is like training for a race, I am practicing focus. I am practicing my ability to shift my focus from uncomfortable thoughts to something more pleasant.andWriting a list every morning of things I love has improved my experience in the house over the last 15 months."I love sleeping well. I love waking up to hear the birds singing. I love feeling rested. I love listening to mateo breathe in the bed next to me. I love writing in this book. I love to see the ducks waddle down the lane and I love to hear their quacking. I love loving. I love feeling relaxed. I love knowing that all is well..."This is another tool to help me learn to focus on things that feel good. I am practicing my ability to focus on what feels good.also, changing how I think about you miguel, has improved my experience in the house. I used to think of you as my boyfriend or my "life partner". Then it shifted to thinking of you as my Ex, and my perspective has continued to evolve. You are mateo's dad, his beloved father. You are my housemate. To me, you are my farm partner. You are the wizard that the Universe used to teach me the names and characters of my dearest friends, the plants and the trees. It is good to come together for the purpose of co-creation.I love this farm.Thank you for asking your question,love,kari
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Balanced relationships
Law of Attraction video: @ 1 hour 3 min
"I like you pretty good, let's see how it goes.
I like you pretty good. Let's see what I can do about maintaining my alignment so that the next logical step includes you.
I take full responsibility for how I feel about you. and so it is my promise to you that I will practice myself into a focused awareness that will keep me loving you, unconditionally. I ask not one thing of you, other than vibrational alignment, the alignment I intend to inspire from my own alignment. So its all on me. so if you want to play, let's have some fun. "
Friday, June 10, 2022
I believe people who display narcissistic behavior CAN recover.
Ramani videos :
Can narcissists change?
10 things people can do to change their narcissistic behavior
The tremendous growth that comes from surviving a narcissistic relationship
He drove me to my knees and I discovered Love. Self Love. God's Love. I stopped speaking out loud and discovered that God was listening and guiding me through my heart. I have a deep, ever-expanding, intimate relationship with God, with Love. I wouldn't change a thing. No regrets. I love my life, I love myself, and the horrors that brought me here cannot ever compare to the Glorious Love that I now bask in every single day. It was worth it.
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Our current living situation is unstable and uncomfortable. I would like to come to a resolution with you that will work for both of us. What are some ideas you have on a fair agreement we can come to in regards to the land so we each have full control over our own space?
Would you prefer to communicate in writing to come to a resolution or would you like to set up a time to have an in-person discussion when Isaiah is here?
Please let me know your thoughts.
Monday, June 6, 2022
peaceful, Loving silence
"They are suffering from their disconnection from who they are. They have powerful desires that are calling them, and for what ever reason they can't get themselves to let go of the thoughts that pull them apart and so they're just holding themselves in a chronic tug-of-war. The older people get the more stuck in their patterns of thoughts they are. And then the more evidence they attract that supports their theories of injustice, and unfairness, and wrong doing in the world.
There is no one that experiences greater love than your father, he's just not letting it out where you all can see it. He has the potential for it because through his troubled life he has launched so many rockets of desire that he has big time desire and its all right there for him if he could just find some way of letting it in. Give yourself the responsibility, the opportunity of seeing him that way, don't try to guide him, don't try to explain it to him, Just know who he is. And as you come to know who he is unequivocally, you can have a step 5 moment. You can watch him doing whatever he does that offers his display of dissatisfaction, and you can have practiced knowing who he is so well that instead of feeling yuck, you can be knowing... Yeah, that's just who you are dad. I know why. i know who you really are and what you really want. and everybody would be ornery like you under the circumstances but I get why.
and then when its not yuck but instead you're Loving him, you're understanding him, that understanding goes so far. You are like the satellite dish that has beamed the signal in closer to him and something that he's been reaching for and can't find is right there standing with him feeling it. He's gonna start softening a little bit. When he looks at you and you're smiling not grimacing, you're winking at him, not hiding, you're giving him a thumbs up, not running away from him, You are with him. You are with him in your Love for him. Because that's all he's reaching for.
He would just like some evidence in this world that this is not a crap place to be. He would just like some evidence in this world that there is truth, and that there is justice, that there is rightness, and that there is a pattern, and that there is a way to live happily ever after. He just wants to see it demonstrated somewhere, something that he once believed, that the larger part of him will never let go of. and wouldn't it be nice if he had some of those moments before he croaks.
Your inner being is never giving up on him, your inner being knows what he wants and who he is and why he feels the way he does and keeps standing there just waiting for him to come on home to it, to come on home to it. But as you stand there not yucky, because you're standing with your inner being who is standing with his inner being and you're not on his side of orneriness, but you're on his side of fairness, and justice and truthfulness, you're on his side of respect and things getting better. You're on his side about Love being across the board. You're on his side about all the things that he wants.
You're on his side. And as you stand there on the side of your inner being so that your energy is not split, your father is giving you this opportunity to discover your relationship with your inner being. "