Saturday, August 19, 2023

All is well

 We did it.

We lived in community for 4 weeks.  Happily.  Joyfully.  We made friends.  Memories.  Mateo and I participated, learned, and explored.

I poured my heart into each moment and it was intentional.  Practice living intentional, regardless of the conditions.  I worked hard and did a really good job because that's who I am.  I wasn't trying to impress anyone and gain an invitation to come.  It felt good to fulfill myself by working well and working hard and having fun and being kind and bringing light.

I am completely satisfied.

and I can see that I'm a bit lazy.  I got here and settled in and just relaxed.  M mentioned just now, the day before we leave, that "the process" is to come here and visit, and then leave for awhile. Allow both sides to sit with it and discern whether or not we'd fit together.  Of course.  That makes sense.  The day before we leave.  It didn't occur to me during the four weeks we were here.  And no one said it to me until this morning, and she's just a friend, just a level headed person, not in the "decision making team".  Thank you M.  When I applied to live at the community in the Ozarks 3 years ago, they told me the same thing.  You must visit us, and then leave.  Then a decision will be made.  Of course.  Seeing that so clearly now, I could have gone to visit the other Camphills during this 4 weeks, but I didn't.  I was just coasting along, enjoying our time in Copake.  Now it's time to return to Michigan and I never went to Triform or the other villages.  Well, I trust the Universe and I have no regrets.  I know that things are always working out for me and I am on my path.  I wanted to live in community and I got what I wanted.

A person I had an informal interview with here at Copake told the house father I've been staying with to tell me, that my application will be reviewed again in 6 months and if I am still interested in living here, they will consider me.  Which is reasonable.  The communication could have been more clear and open, but I know it's just a reflection of what I'm attracting in my life.  I want to attract more courteous, direct communication.  When I get what I don't want, it's easier to know what I do want. 

Michigan, here we come.  Home again.  Full of Love.  Richer for this experience. 

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