Monday, December 2, 2013

kitty love

Resting after a long drink at the milk pan
How much do I love this kitty?  How can a human love a kitty so much?  Every time I see her I get all warm and my heart aches a little and there is a strong desire to pick her up and squeeze her.
This is baby kitty, or 'the grey one', as we sometimes call her.  She does not necessarily require a more formal name.  Maybe as the years go by and there are other baby kitties... we shall see.
     She was one of a litter of four.    Mama kitty had them in the chicken coop, which is where she had her litter last year also.  By the time I moved back to the farm on September 28th, this little grey kitty was the only survivor.  Life is tough for kittens on a farm.  Maybe it was the dogs?  We don't want to say for sure.  We believe in and support the circle of life here.
So she survived.  This made her special from the beginning.
      And her fur!  Oh, her fur is so soft and luxurious.   It does not work for farm life at all.  She almost always has at least two chicken feathers stuck somewhere in her fur.  That is what started our bonding process.  She let me pick her up when she was so tiny and I started grooming her.  She was covered in sticky burrs from the burdock plants.  So almost every day I would go out to the chicken coop and scoop up my baby kitty.  As we sat in the sun she would let me pick out the burrs.  Meowing and 'complaining' the whole time.  But in my lap she would lay, like a Queen.  And each day she was easier and easier to pick up.  Now she comes up to me in the yard and talks and whines, I just love her.  There is some kind of magic in developing a friendship with a wild baby kitty who lives with her mama in the chicken coop.
       Baby kitty's sister from last year's litter had a baby herself this year.  Well, she had two.  One of them survived the tough life of a kitten on a farm.  This baby kitten has never been touched by humans.  We see her sometimes, hiding behind things in the barn.  Or we may see her out in the yard, but only when we are up in the house looking down.  She is WILD.  I guess she may be a he, no way to tell from this distance.  Anyway, this baby kitty makes me so happy and grateful that my baby kitty let me pick her up.  Day after day after day.  She accepts me as a friend and likes to lay in my lap while I scratch her neck and ears.  She lets me pick out the burrs, which is terribly satisfying for someone with a case of obsession/compulsion.
       Cats are really special beings.  There are four dogs on this farm and one of them adopted me as her human.  Pepper follows me every where and I enjoy her company.   But she is insecure and needy, just like a human in many ways.   Baby kitty likes me, that is clear, but she can take me or leave me.  Our friendship is equal, balanced, satisfying.    The cows of course are lovely beings.  They are nice to hug and smack on the butt.  Sometimes they will let you scratch them behind the ears.  But they are separate in a way.  There is no real intimacy there, probably because they are enlightened and are unable to connect to me and all my human emotions.  Baby kitty is crazy and she meows a lot and rubs against my legs and chases things in the yard and seems to have some quality that allows me to feel connected to her.  Like we experience things in the same way sometimes...
       Well this is starting to sound a little crazy for sure.  All I really wanted to express was how much I love this little grey fuzz ball.  Love her in a way that only a cat can allow a human to love her.

That is mama kitty in the foreground.  (Well, now she is really grandma kitty, but I like to call her mama.)    Kitty drinking out of the milk pan is mama kitty's survivor from last year.   Her baby is the WILD one.  
 All the chickens and cats get along.  Its so fun to watch.   

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Average day

Wednesday Oct 30th 2013
     Got up a little later than usual.  It was real foggy out.  Took a rope along on the way out to get the cows.  Miguel used it to capture Curly the horse.  He was at the salt block, escaped again from his pasture.    Moved Morgana, Yarrow, Morgan and Jolene towards the milk house.  He came up then, gave me back the rope and headed off to get Belle.  I was able to get the rope on Labora's halter and start moving her towards the little pasture.  She followed better than yesterday and it was a nice sensation to be walking along side such an animal.  Labora is big, a nice looking calf, maybe 4 months old.  I felt honored that she would walk with me.
   Today I milked Yarrow and Morgana.  Brought a warm, fresh quart of milk in to the kitchen after chores and made the kefir.  Made fried eggplant and hash browns while Miguel was out capturing Curly again.   We made toast then too and enjoyed it all together.  Sat on the front porch and drank our tea after breakfast.  It was so warm and sunny and still.  Just an unbelievable day for the time of year.  Socks off, I ended up being barefoot the rest of the day, almost.
     Miguel took our neighbor, his father, into town then.  There were a few things we needed and Dean doesn't drive well anymore, so it worked out for everyone.  I went last week, but this time he wanted to pick out a new chain saw.  I picked up two buckets of apples and set them next to the buckets Miguel had collected yesterday.    Started up the tractor and loaded the apples and 3 buckets of milk into the tractor scoop.   Grace the dog came running down the road looking for Dean.  She followed the tractor and our four dogs down to Jake's.  The pigs were waiting at the fence for their breakfast.  I dumped milk in their pans and walked all the apples out into their pen.  They came right up to me and let me pat them on the back.  They're not so jumpy and scared of us anymore.
     In the drive way, our dogs had Grace circled.  She was holding her own but I called them off.   Grace came over to me and I scratched her ears and called Pepper over to see.  Trying to make them understand that Grace is our friend and its not ok to attack her.  I think it helped a little bit.
Walked out then to count the cows.  I could think of eight for sure and I found eight in the pasture.  Later Miguel said that there should be nine out there.  There wasn't anyone stuck in the swamp though, so we'll look again tomorrow.
     Rode the bike down to the bull pasture to fill the water.  Miguel's sister Margi was there and she had already filled it for us, which was a nice surprise.  She talked quite a bit about her ideas to make Dean's life easier and relieve any anxiety or worry he might have about anything.  She seems to maybe be struggling with watching her father decline with age as she remains unable to practically assist him from her home in Iowa.   This is a common problem in our society today.  I pointed out that she is describing something that rarely happened in our culture 100 years ago.  Family members lived geographically closer to each other, neighbors knew and took care of each other, old people were looked after just like young people are looked after.   Miguel and I are taking it one day at a time with Dean.  There is no easy answer to the situation he finds himself in and we're not looking for one.  So far, things have been going well and we are all learning and adjusting as we go.  I felt her frustration that the situation would not be 'handled' before she returned to Iowa, and I silently celebrated that I am not leaving the farm.  I get to stay and deal with things day by day, as best as I can, with my partner Miguel.  It is an honor to participate with Dean and his life.

firewood goes in the wood fire cookstove  
     Then we checked the weather and decided it was important to get firewood today, because tomorrow its going to rain and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are all booked up with processing the bull and planting trees.  I got to use the new chain saw.  It is four pounds lighter than the old one.  Miguel gave me a lesson and watched me cut a little.  He corrected me when I wasn't keeping my left arm locked and explained that's how to stop the saw if it kicks back.  It is physically challenging to cut up wood.  And we were cutting it on a hill with lots of brush.  I was pretty nervous and taking my time.  Being a trauma nurse for 10 years gave me an active imagination when it comes to things like chain saws...  It was a pleasure to learn that I have truly trained my body to strive for balance.  Even though this was the first time I've ever really used a chain saw, I could feel my muscles repeatedly trying to move the saw into my left hand, giving my right arm a break.  Instead I learned to alternate which leg was forward and that helped maintain some balance.  Muscles will have to be developed before I am able to cut for any length of time.  I am glad to cut down on the amount of time Miguel has to use the saw.  Sharing this work will be good for him.
     We stacked the wood on the front porch and I closed the chickens.  They gave us two eggs today.  Thank you chickens!   We sat out on the deck for a bit in the dark.  It was still so warm and pleasant.  Now its raining and time for bed.  Another day on the farm.  I am excited to see what tomorrow will bring.  Every day is a gift of work, good food, learning, and loving.


Saturday, June 1, 2013


     Mama hen went 'broody'.  Her behavior changed from walking around the yard with the other chickens to sitting in the nest box.  For twenty-one days, she sat in the nest box, keeping eggs warm and turning them.  When she did leave the coop, another chicken took her place.  This happened rarely, this was her purpose.  For twenty-one days she sat on eight eggs.
       The evening of Sunday, May 26th there was barely audible peeping coming from her nest.  I did not lift her up to see, but said good night and went to bed so excited for what morning would bring.

  As the early morning light brightened the sky, mama hen let me lift her warm body to reveal what she had brought into this world: three fuzzy, strong chicks.  I lowered her down and watched as her belly feathers enveloped their tiny lives.  After we milked the cows I took the chicks and placed them in their new home, a cardboard box with clean straw and a bright, warm light bulb.
      It is difficult to reconcile this action.  We are asking the chickens to be in relationship with us, to leave their mama and travel to the 'city'.  They cannot say no, yet they participate in this relationship with vigor, bringing us much joy.   I vow to take excellent care of the chicks, to provide them with the highest quality of life possible.

This vow and my actions that fulfill it, this is all I can offer that mama hen for her precious gift.  The gift of three precious beings that teach and share and participate in a new and glorious relationship with their humble humans.
thank you mama hen

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ooma & Poohma

Monday we passed by the barn on our way out to harvest fire wood.  Ooma was agitated (ears back, tail swishing), sniffing a wet spot, and turning in circles looking at her own bum.  When we came back by about 2 hours later, there was a wet, cold calf laying in the wet straw.  Ooma was licking her like a good mama, softly mooing and gently keeping us away with her horns.  She let Miguel get close enough to figure out that baby cow couldn't stand up and her belly seemed empty.
We took the load of firewood up to the house, tied up the dogs, and headed back to the barn with hopeful determination, and a bottle.   Alternating as one of us milked and the other distracted Ooma with hay, we squeezed her teets until the bottle was half full of warm, thick colostrum.  Mama was observing by now that we were friends in her effort and allowed Miguel to shove the big red nipple in baby's mouth.  She sucked!  Oh good, she's got a strong suck!  We got a full bottle in her belly (2 quarts), dragged her to the more protected corner of the barn, and surrounded her with clean, dry straw.  It was a cold, cold February day without any sunshine to speak of.  (ominous music...)  
      I took off to town for the first night of a bible study I'd seen offered in the paper.  When I arrived home about 9pm, Miguel had much to report.  He had gone to check on Poohma about 6:30 and she was cold, shivering, and still could not stand (which meant she was not nursing).  He drove the old farm truck up close to the barn and turned the heat on full blast.  He somehow carried little limp noodle Poohma over to the truck and stuck her on the front seat to warm up.  (If 60 lbs can be called little.)  Good mama cow let him milk more colostrum out, but sweet little baby cow had lost her suck.  He sat with her in the truck for about an hour, then shut it down and returned her to the barn.
      We went back out around 10:30 pm to check on her.  Captain, our bull, and Beauty the oldest cow, were laying as close to her as possible without actually laying on her.  Ooma was there to, standing guard.  They were doing the best they could on a cold winter night with a weak calf.
   We laid a blanket, warm from the wood stove, out next to Poohma and rolled her onto it.  Before she struggled off, we lifted her up hammock style and carried her back to the warm truck.   Miguel went out again about 3:30 am, started the truck, got her warm, and got her to take a few sips of the re-warmed first milk.
     First thing in the morning we walked together to the barn.  It was hard to know what to do.  She did not seem any better, but did not really seem worse either.   Due to her labored breathing it seemed safe to assume that she had 'pneumonia'.  Also miguel's life experience, (that's what calves get, that's what kills them).  It was decided that we would take the cows up to the milk house where I could start milking, while Miguel went back to work with the little one.
      I was finishing up my 2nd cow when he returned, frustrated.  She wouldn't drink, but she seemed to have enough energy to resist the bottle.  After milking chores were done we moved her from the truck to be with her mom in the barn.  It was still cold, in the low 20's, without much sun to speak of.  Ooma gave her the best mama licking, all over her sweet, brown body.  I stayed with them while miguel went back to the house to finish chores (feed the big calves & the lambs, strain the keifer, stoke the fires).  Little Poohma still could not stand on her own.  She tried to stand, and could get up on her front 'knees' with her bum in the air, back legs nice and straight.  But it was as if her front legs had been fashioned too long and she just was not able to get them under her body.  When I helped her up she could stand, but any wrong move and she collapsed to the ground, limp and helpless.  She took a little from the bottle, but not enough to ease concerns.
     When I got back to the house, Miguel was just finishing up a batch of butter.  I wrapped it up            (9 one lb lumps) while he returned to the barn.   He found her shivering again and moved her right back to the warm truck.  Next time we met up, the idea had finally come to both of us to give her something, anything we had.  He had remembered the Rescue Remedy and the Colloidal Silver, while in my mind  I had created a crushed garlic, honey, butter recipe.  We agreed to try it all.  So after mixing the 3 ingredients and grabbing the two bottles, I headed back out to the truck.
      Oh her breathing was labored and she was weak, which made spooning the honey mixture into her nose & mouth very easy.  Poor thing was trembling and her tongue was dry when she tried to lick the honey off her nose.  Now I knew that the trembling was not really shivering.  She may be cold, but her body was shaking from the effort to stay alive.  The garlic was so spicy that tears fell from her eyes.  Precious fluid I knew she could not spare.  The Rescue Remedy fell nicely in her nose and before long she was fast asleep.  I got a few good spoon fulls of the butter mix right on her tongue to dissolve, then poured some Silver in her nose.  When she did not flinch from that, I figured she was out for awhile, to get some much needed rest.
     Returning to the house I shared the idea that keeping her warm was important, but she was terribly dehydrated and needed something.  Miguel agreed and called Linda right away.  She and Bob had planned to visit us the next day anyway for cheese and butter.  So I took off with 2 lbs of butter and a pound of cheese.  Linda laughed and said the rental fee for the bag was $0.  I drove the 4 miles back to our farm with a paper back copy of "Nathan Coulter" by Wendell Berry (which both Miguel and I had been wanting to read), $30 cash, and a bag to save Poohma's life.
       We met in the basement, made a plan, gathered supplies, and headed out.  It was about 3:30 pm, just 24 hours had passed since Ooma had given birth to her sweet baby.  We unloaded Poohma from her warm truck and hid our supplies in the cab.  (The cows had been keeping watch around the truck and they can be curious, destructive creatures sometimes.)  Ooma was happy to see her girl and commenced to licking her furiously, mooing softly the whole time.  When we returned to the barn from fetching the supplies, little sweet girl was standing up!  We double checked each other and agreed yes, we had left her lying on the straw.  So we felt very encouraged that she had stood by herself for the first time.  Good mama let me milk out 2 quarts of steaming colostrum.  We primed the bag,  put butter along the rigid tube,  and Miguel straddled  Pooma.  He somehow shoved that horrible tube down her little throat and I blocked her hind legs with my body while holding the bag above our heads and un-clamped the tube to start the flow.  It flowed!  The whole bag emptied into her stomach in about 45 seconds, as she resisted and we struggled to keep her still.  Poor thing.  How could she know we were trying to help her?  Thank you Ooma for allowing us to attack your baby like that.  I can only assume she knew we were all partners, laboring for the same life.
     Poohma continued to stand on her own after the tube was removed.  We spread clean, dry straw in the barn, and she was still standing.  We walked back to the house, and she was still standing.  Good girl.  Miguel went out that evening and once during the night.  She drank from the bottle during the night and stayed out of that truck, in the barn with her herd.  The next day he helped her find the teets as Ooma stood patiently.
       We are checking on her less frequently now, and the temperature has finally risen above 30 d, with some beautiful sunshine yesterday and today.  We are cautiously calling her a save and thanking the gorgeous universe.
Welcome home to the farm Poohma.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


On site - idea exchange at the kids cottage  
January 2013
Reflections on Strawbale Studio Internship -        
  3 highlights  

LANGUAGE - learn to speak
During my internship at Strawbale Studio, I learned to speak a new language.  It happened without my realizing it.  Then one night conversation with a stranger turned to building and construction.  Instead of politely listening, nodding at the appropriate places, I began asking questions.  Real questions about foundations, choice of materials, water wicking, and how to prevent it.  He answered my questions and the conversation flowed deeper.  Learning to speak a new language opens up opportunities for human connection that would be otherwise closed.
  That stranger accepted an invitation to attend the monthly full moon potluck, where he was introduced to people that had been speaking his language for a long time.  Plans were made for collaboration with a local artist.  Learning to speak a new language changes the course of human lives.  
 Just one example of the unexpected benefits I experienced during my January at the Studio.

EXPERIENCE - immersion
Living for a month on the property of Strawbale Studio offered the opportunity for immersion.  Every day new experiences presented themselves, no matter how small.  Living on site in an environment of creativity and curiosity, where I found myself walking around with a notebook to jot down the constant flow of information, ideas, and resources.  One never knows who will come by to visit or what activity will take place.  Just some of what I experienced during January 2013:
 - assess available trees for round pole harvest, safe & efficient felling of trees
 - bark removal with draw knife, notching round poles with pull saw and chisels
 - lashing poles with clove hitch and frapping
 - Rocket Stove use and design
 - model making, in-depth design consultations

warm day reed collecting  
I was deeply fulfilled by meeting new people who were interested in many aspects of life.
The connections offered by living with Deanne for a month were endless and varied.  I was able to meet people from diverse backgrounds, experience levels, ages, and geographic home.   They were accustom to interacting with Strawbale Interns and seemed to jump in quickly with friendship, understanding the inherent short time available.  I know I can return to this environment any time and walk into open arms, minds, and hearts.   The monthly Full Moon potluck was a real highlight for me.  There were around 30 people gathered, some old friends, some new to the Studio, all sharing delicious food.   Going around a human circle with introductions and greetings opened the evening to true sharing and connection, uncommon and memorable.

Thank you Strawbale Studio   Thank you Deanne

Friday, February 1, 2013

welcome home to the farm

That's Morgana, this was taken on my 38th birthday.    
       Yesterday I came home to the farm, after being gone for almost a month.  It was a long drive and I was trying to visit people along the way.  To make the drive "worth it".  At some point I started dreaming about just being home.  Walking out to see the cows, holding a few chickens, just being on the farm before dark.  I picked a new route and just headed home.  Oh what a glorious drive.
      I walked down to Jake's with Pepper the dog.  She's my girl, always stays with me.  The cows there were looking good, munching on some hay and hanging in the barn.  The wind was blowing and it stung my cheeks.  It felt so good to walk.  Walk on icy roads so I have to think about every step, squeeze muscles to keep stable and stay on my feet, on my boots.  I stopped by the big barn after walking through the pasture.  Beautiful sunset, bright pink and deep rich orange.  There were 2 baby cows waiting to introduce themselves.  Sweetie's little heifer was alert and checking me out, jumpy and playful.  Isabelle's little bull was sedate, laying in the barn.  He let me sit down and pet him like a dog.  Nice to meet you baby cow.  Welcome, welcome to the farm.  You're going to love it here.  I sure do.
     Milking cows this morning.  Waking up before the sun, after listening to the wind howl all night.  Oh what to wear, it is going to be cold!  I brought Morgana in first.  She's easy to milk and had not experienced any problems with her milk recently, so seemed to be a straight forward choice.  Looking back on it now, I suppose I felt a little nervous.  Could I still do it?  Would my arms or hands get tired?
No it was fine!  Glorious in fact.  blissful.  No where I'd rather be than sitting under a warm cow on a cold morning, squeezing warm teets so warm milk fills the cold pail and steam rises to meet my cold nose.  I caught Miguel's eye.  "What?"  Always nervous when you see that smile.  "I'm so happy."
    Jolene was next and she's fun to milk.  Picked her feet up a little, but nothing rude.  Morgan then, oh Morgan with the back teets so close together, and so much milk.  Empty the pail and go back for more.  She's such a sweet cow.  Maybe 9 or 10 years old, calm, gives lots and lots of milk for a long time after calving.  Thank you.    
     Then Isabelle, who is 'Fresh', as they say. (just had a calf)  She only went in the stanchion after I encouraged her little calf to go in first.  She's a good mama, staying with him always.  Continuous low, soothing moo's.  Oh I could listen to that all day.  Miguel had described her teets as 1/2 inch long and 2 inches wide.  I'd have to agree.  Try squeezing that more than 3 times in a row.  Oh but her udder was so big and tight, we had to get the pressure off for her.  I sat behind her and worked on the 2 back teets (the calf was emptying the front two fairly well).  Then it happened.  What has been talked about and feared, but never imagined to actually happen.  She pooped on my head.
    I couldn't see her tail go up, the poop warning.  I felt something hit my head and then saw poop hit the floor.  Pushed back my crate and exclaimed.  But its cold out, and they're eating tons of hay.  It was a solid, friendly poop.  Held its form and merely bounced off my hat.  Didn't even leave a nugget as proof.  Welcome home to the farm.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

round pole notch

vertical post
horizontal roof support beam
angle - rafter, saddle notch onto horizontal beam
pole at bottom of photo - vertical post - no notch, flat surface.
horizontal pole - roof support beam - shallow notches below & side.
pole at top of photo - 45 d angle rafter / truss - shallow notch

detail photos of  round pole / timber frame joint in kid's cottage
notches - saw perpendicular into beam, down into log
             - pound chisel into side of log at level of bottom of saw cut depth
             - 1/2 moon (or so) shape of wood will pop out

natural building materials
:: locally available - what does each property offer?    cow manure, straw, sedge, cattails, round poles (straight trees of reasonable diameter and height for harvest)
local materials specifically adapted to local climate (inherent weather resistance, durability)
:: sustainable - minimally processed, low energy use for harvest or production, minimal consequence
of acquisition, little to no transport, rapid renewal, small scale harvest minimal impact on habitat,
ability to recycle, reuse, repurpose;  repairs / remodel generate minimal waste
:: building design based on sun observation
ex. face living roof towards south

Thursday, January 17, 2013

JOY stove keep me warm!

short barrel (lifts off) with hole in top covers feet tube when not in use
 or after fire burning well.   can increase down draft
Rocket Stove
let's call it a J stove.  J for JOY.
Short vertical stove pipe (wood feed tube) leads to horizontal burn tunnel,
leads to vertical stove pipe / heat riser (taller than feed tube).
tall vertical covered by metal barrel, leaving reasonable space at top, hot air tumbles
over edge of pipe, down inside barrel and travels through horizontal stove pipe,
encased in cob / mud / earth plaster bench
 - clean outs at each turn of pipe -

We lit the JOY stove at the Strawbale Studio this week.  It is in a building called the
'Red Shed' where we spent time constructing the SOLAR DEHYDRATOR.   We
 learned the specific techniques used for successfully lighting a rocket stove.  Burning a little paper
 in the 'primer space' encourages hot air to rise up chimney (exits thru ceiling in this design).
Burn a little paper in horizontal burn tunnel, then vertical placement of tall, matchstick size
material inside feed tube at mouth of burn tunnel.  Continuing to place vertically,
 increasingly larger pieces of wood in feed tube.    Fire does not burn up (it burns down),  due to
significant down draft created by stove's J shape and careful placement of wood (smoke does
not come out into room).
Barrel covering heat riser became very warm within minutes.  Exit stove pipe became
warm, and remained at low temperature allowing one to place hand directly on metal and
enjoy warming effect for extended periods.  Heat absorbed into earthen bench became evident to the touch following about one hour, providing a cozy place to sit (or sleep).
potential benefits of JOY stove -
 bench adds much thermal mass, increasing efficiency
top of barrel provides cooking / water heating surface
stove burns less wood than wood fire cook stove
cooler exit temperature allows for possible side wall exit of 'chimney'
harness this heat for green house, animal shelter (warm chickens), livestock water
it is beautiful!

interning at the Straw Bale Studio January 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Collected Reeds today
wear glasses, when you bend over to cut the reeds low, close to the ground
a reed end coming up out of the ground will poke you in the face
sun getting lower and lower in the sky
windy- windy -reeds bending over - blue sky
shake the really really tall reeds and watch the fluffy seeds fly away
fly away into the blue blue sky
tie the bundles, two ties
trim the tops fluff falls down
cattails growing - ground wet- snow melting
sound of traffic- busy road

 let's meetup at the permaculture hip fest in pam's basement
kuel people worthwhile film- interesting humble conversation
learning -exchanging -celebrating- supporting- pet the dog
pet the dog pet the dog

lash and frap lash and frap
clove hitch keeps it tight -knots are so useful
finger tough from twine rubbing
push the pull saw push it its a pull saw push it
easy and fast efficient

poop in the bucket poop in there poop
when its cold just poop in the bucket
wood chips- lid -simple
sturdy pretty wooden bench

kitty kitty kitty

my name is kari and i'm interning, i'm internal at the strawbale studio
this fine month of january

peace to yo mamma