Healthy, balanced sexuality
When Mateo was little, naked, toddling around the house, I would joyfully squeal, “Puddle!” when he peed on the floor, or even outside. His physical body was doing something normal and healthy and I meant to encourage an awareness around his pee-pee being released. Creating and environment of conscious acknowledgement and joyful acceptance, near celebration of the normal physical process his body was displaying. The idea was that as he became conscious of the physical process of releasing the bladder, he would then also gain control and work in harmony with his body to eventually choose when and where to pee. Creating an environment of love and respect for the body so he can live in peaceful harmony with his physical vessel. Its a long term relationship we humans have with our bodies and I wanted Mateo’s relationship to be loving and honest and full of reverence and cooperation.
then sex.
I’ve been thinking about sex and physical pleasure and I want him to have a go at a healthy, balanced relationship with his penis and his body’s physical expression of sensuous pleasure. For now I see three distinct sort of stages for a young human to develop through.
Stage one involves private personal pleasure. The boy child gets to know his body and notices that the penis becomes erect sometimes. At some point the penis will release semen. I want this all to be normalized, just like learning how to pee in a toilet. I want the child to explore his body and maintain the focus on Love and respect for the physical pleasure it offers. I imagine him noticing how the pleasure is deeper when there is Love and understanding surrounding an experience of self-stimulation. I want him to create an intimate relationship with his own inner Being through the experience of physical self pleasure.
Stage two involves a second person, a friend and their physical body. I know it feels good to explore another’s body and to have my body explored by a good friend. I want this child of mine, growing into a man, to lovingly and consciously explore with another human, maintaining his focus on his relationship with his own inner being. This means that the other person will never be responsible for his pleasure and he will never be responsible for the pleasure of the other. The humans can participate in each other’s pleasure but the responsibility for pleasure and for release always stay with each individual.
Stage three involves clear communication, babies, and two people sharing responsibility for each other’s pleasure and release.
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